DISCLAIMER: The sites linked below are provided solely as a convenience. The accuracy of the information contained on these sites has not been verified. Most sites try to provide accurate information; however, translation difficulties and various levels of knowledge by the writers play a significant role in the accuracy of the information contained on these sites. This is true for all sites on the Internet - in all subject areas.
Bushido Japanese Swords - Bob Benson offers polishing services, koshirae restoration and has swords, tsuba, books for sale.
Nihonto.com - Fred Weissberg's site has quality swords and tsuba for sale.Check out the characteristics of the five classical Koto Schools. The site also has information on Japanese armor, helmets, tsuba and other samurai items. Excellent article on Yasutsugu swordsmiths and many other articles.
JapaneseSword.com - Alfred Tan offers antique and modern swords and kodogu for sale; sword restoration services also available.
Ricecracker - Mike Yamasaki & John Kurata offer swords and tsuba for sale as well as articles, news and restoration services. Javascript and Shockwave required
Japanese Sword Books and Tsuba - Grey Doffin's site has a great selection of tsuba and books on Nihonto, tsuba and other Japanese arts.
Nihonto.US - Andy Quirt's site has Japanese swords, fittings, books and more for sale.
Tetsugendo - Mike Yamasaki and Cyrus Chan's site with Japanese swords, fittings, armor and books.
Javascript and Shockwave required
Aoi Arts - Aoi Arts Sword Shop - Swords, Fittings and appraisals. (Japan)
Hizen Swords - Roger Robertshaw's site on the swords of Hizen and Hizen Tadayoshi.
Fine swords, armor, fittings for sale. THE site for Hizen swordsmith information. (Hong Kong)
Nihonto Antiques - Moses Becerra has fine swords, kodogu, tsuba for sale and offers polishing services and sword restoration. Articles on sword polishing and differences in sashikomi vs kesho polishes. Javascript required
Nihonto Art - Nicholas Ricupero has swords, cleaning kits and more for sale and a lot of information on Nihonto.
Sayashi.com - John Tirado does saya repair and lacquer restoration. Also makes shirasaya.
Jon Bowhay - Japanese Sword Restoration Services - all types of Nihonto restoration; sword polishing, saya repair, tsuka repair, shinsa submission. (Japan)
Tsukamaki - Tom Buck does excellent tsukamaki (handle wrapping), saya restoration and restoration of Japanese lacquer.
Onihonto - Jon Healy's site has many swords and good information on Nihonto.
Swords and Tsuba- Fred Geyer's site offers swords, tsuba and fittings for sale.
Ejapaneseswords - Chris Bowen offers shinsakuto, restoration services and sword articles. (Japan)
Nihonto Australia - John Grasso offers swords, tsuba and other kodogu for sale. Also Japanese antiques and articles on swords. (Australia)
Gunto Art Swords - Doug Austin offers military (gunto) swords, fittings and accessories. (Australia)
Suibui Swords - Elliot Long's site has lots of info on tsuba, Nihonto, samurai and Japanese history; also swords, tsuba, kodogu, sword stands for sale.
St. Croix Blades - Matthew Brice buys and sells Japanese swords, military knives and more.
Japanese Swords - Kevin Jones offers Japanese swords, polearms, lacquer for sale. Also has sword restoration and shinsa services. (England).
Gaigin Japanese Art - John Berta lists Japanese swords, tsuba, fittings, books for sale; also a photo gallery of swords and tsuba. (Canada)
Owazamono.com - Eric Molinier & Matt Jarrell offer fine Antique Japanese Swords & sword Fittings for sale. Swords, Tsuba, Kodogu & related Samurai items.
Yamabushi Antiques - Messers Jung, Mancebelli and Markhasin offer Japanese swords, tsuba, kodogu and books for sale. Site also has gallery of exceptional items.
Nihontocraft - Danny Massey offers a site with excellent reference material and swords, tsuba, fittings and books for sale.
JP-Sword.com - Jinsoo Kim offers much information on Japanese swords and sword smith rankings.
Nihonto.de - Steven Hiller collects and sells swords and fittings (Germany)
Asian Art - Dmitry Levit sells swords, tsuba, kozuka, fuchi/kashira and other Asian art.
Circle M Tsuka-maki - David McDonald does tsuka-maki (handle wrapping) and restoration. Also swords and fittings for sale.
Modern Tosho - Ted Tenold and Keith Larman's site on modern Japanese swordsmiths making shinsakuto (traditionally made swords).
CG Fine Arts - Colin Griffiths offers fine Japanese swords, tsuba, fittings and other Japanese art. Complete line of sword and koshirae restoration services available.
Japanese Samurai Swords - Byron Shimizu does Japanese sword restoration and has swords and fittings for sale.
Japanese Swords - Quang Doan has authentic Japanese military swords for sale.
Nipponto - Sergio Magotti sells Japanese swords, tsuba, kodogu and bronzes. (Italy)
Usagiya Sword Shop - Noriko and Sumie Kashima offer antique swords, shinsakuto, tsuba and fittings. Also arranges for sword polishing and koshirae restoration. Good articles on swords, tying sword bags, iron bones in tsuba and more. (Japan)
Token Bijutsu Kogeisha - sells replacements sword parts, storage boxes, sword racks, etc. (Japan)
Yakiba - Ed Marshall has sword, tsuba, fittings and other Japanese art for sale.
Sho-shin - Robert Cole has outstanding material on the Five Koto Schools and their representative swordsmiths together with lots of other info for the serious student of Nihonto. Good site for tracing swordsmith lineages. Fine blades and tsuba for sale, "museum" of Juyo items. (Acrobat PDF reader required)
Ginza Choshuya - sells fine Japanese swords and fittings; also publishes a sword magazine. (Japan)
Keichodo - Robert Hughes arranges for restoration of Nihonto in Japan by Japanese craftsmen. (Japan)
Art Swords - Bill Rannow sells swords, tsuba, books and offers restoration services.
Swords of Japan - Ray Singer's site has reference material and swords, tsuba for sale in a dazzling presentation. (Javascript and Shockwave recommended).
Quinn Studios - Brian Quinn sells Japanese swords, fittings, armour and arms from around the world.
Tetsugendo.com - offers antique Japanese swords, fittings, armor and books. Shockwave required (Japan)
Cicada Asian Arts - Steve Dong sells antique Japanese swords, tsuba and fittings.
Ronin Swords - Brian Dreier offers swords, fittings, sword stands, tsuka-maki.
Japanese Sword Collector - Louis Skebo offers Japanese swords, fittings, Japanese antiques for sale and sword polishing.
Shibui Swords - Elliot Long has swords, tsuba, books, sword stands, iaido for sale.
Toraba Nihon no Katchu - dedicated to the sale and restoration of antique Japanese samurai armor.
Samurai Art - Mark Robinson offers antique swords, tsuba and fittings for sale.
Dejimaya-NL - sells swords, tsuba and other fittings. Will arrange restoration and import/export licenses. (Netherlands, Japan)
Samurai Sword.com - David Pepin has swords and tsuba for sale.
Sakura Arts - Yuriko Miura sells tsuba, kodogu and swords
Site in English and Japanese (Japan)
Sword Polish - David Hofhine offers sword polishing services.
Japanese Swords and Asian Arts - Roy Echtermeijer sells swords, fittings.
Site available in English, Dutch and German. (Netherlands)
Japan Sword Co. Ltd. sells swords and sword fittings (Japan)
Token Sugita Europe sells swords, tsuba and fittings.
(associated with Token Sugita, Japan) (Netherlands)
Tsuba Art - Karl Peuker offers tsuba, antique swords and kodogu.
Shockwave plug-in required (Germany)
Japanese Swords and Armors offers swords, fittings and armor
Site in German and English (Germany)
Tokugawa Art sells swords, fittings, books and sword supplies
Javascript required (Japan)
Well Link sells antique Japanese swords, tsuba, fittings, yari and naginata.
Javascript required (associated with Tokugawa Art) (Hong Kong)
Nihonto.Ca - Darcy Brockbank has swords and fittings for sale (Canada).
Restoring Ancient Swordcraft - Masahira Fujiyasu, Japanese swordsmith, forges and sells shinsakuto. Swords can be custom ordered. Site in English and Japanese (Japan)
Ritsuo Yanagita - Japanese shinsakuto swordsmith, also operates the Samurai Sword Museum.
Site in English and Japanese (Japan)
Namikawa Heibei sells polishing stones and restoration materials for Japanese swords.
Note: Blade polishing should only be done by qualified, trained individuals. (Japan)
Seaox Nihonto Gifts sells gifts, coffee mugs, tee shirts, sweat shirts, etc. related to Japanese swords.
The following book dealers specialize in titles relating to the Japanese sword.
Many of the commercial sites linked above also sell books on Nihonto.
[top of page]
AFU Research - Harry Watson does translations of major works, including Nihon To Koza, relating to the Japanese sword and sword mounts. Excellent online glossary with Kanji of Nihonto terms.
Japanese Sword Books and Tsuba - Grey Doffin's site offers many books on swords and tsuba as well as tsuba and other items for sale.
Satcho Japanese Sword Books current and out-of-print books on Nihonto, armour and sword fittings.
Koshoyama Vintage Token Books - Japanese swords, sword fittings, lacquer and more. (Japan)
Hawley Publications has a great stock of materials on the Japanese sword. Home of Hawley's Japanese Swordsmiths - a major listing of swordsmiths throughout history.
Komonjo - Mike Yamaguchi specializes in Japanese-language books on the Japanese Sword, rare and out-of-print Japanese books, and English-language books on Japanese history, culture, and literature.
Nihon Art Publishers - publishes Robert Haynes' index of tsuba and kodogu makers and other books on Nihonto. Javascript required (Germany).
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